Once again, allmovies.com seems to be the best source for a write-up: "[t]his French anthology is a tribute to A Propos de Nice (1930), a classic documentary that took a poetic and sometimes satirical look at life in the French Riviera town. This version blends fact and fiction to chronicle life in modern-day Nice and is comprised of seven vignettes, each directed by an internationally renowned filmmaker. Only one of the episodes, 'Reperages,' from Iranian directors Abbas Kiarostami and Parviz Kimiavi, stays close to the style of the original film by Jean Vigo as it chronicles the experiences of a filmmaker who came to Nice to do research on Vigo for his upcoming documentary. A different episode eavesdrops upon a man and two women discussing sociopolitical concerns as they lie indolently on the beach. In another, a photojournalist cruises the city's lively Promenade des Anglais. In a silent vignette, "Nice, Very Nice," a young killer is seen gliding through a crowd of carnival goers on the way to perform a hit. The other three cover subjects ranging from the history of Nice, to a political rally, to a portrait of the city as a popular spot for different kinds of rendezvous."
Breillat's segment is titled "Aux Niçois qui mal y pensent." Google translates that into "To the from Nice one that poorly there think." Heh. So, yeah, I don't know.
I guess DVD studios figure a French documentary paying homage to another French documentary from 65 years ago would have a limited appeal (bah!), since this film has not been released in any region. It ought to be, though.
Hi. It appears you need a little help with translating this title? :D
"Aux Niçois qui mal y pensent" is a pun on the motto of the Order of the Garter: "Honi soit qui mal y pense" which you can read about on Wikipedia. It's most literal translation is "Shame on him who think it shameful." Breillat's title suggests, "Become Nicards, whoever thinks it shameful" or something to that effect.
Thanks for organizing this informative website.
Nice - thanks! That's definitely better than the translation google came up with. lol
And very informative link; thank you. :)
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